URBIS Limited was commissioned in 2017 by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, HKSAR Government to undertake a detailed study to investigate how Recreation and Education potential within Hong Kong’s Country Parks and Special Areas could be enhanced. The study embarked from a detailed assessment of the current parks and special areas and their operation. This was supplemented by a series of international case studies which identified and evaluated the manner in which they were operated and the range of facilities that were provided in each location. The study has correspondingly undertaken extensive initial consultation with key stakeholders and a random sample survey of members of the general public. From the preceding a number of outline initial proposals have now been generated. These are presently being submitted to the public for their comment via a series of public exhibitions and engagement forums. Once these are concluded proposals will be refined and developed and encompassed under a future development and implementation strategy for the Country Parks and Special Areas.
To get more information of the study, please click here.